bernie sanders: a rebel with a cause

by | Apr 19, 2016 | Astrology Blog

this is my attempt at writing a blog about bernie sanders, the presidential race and why i think and feel deep in my Soul that bernie is the ONLY choice if we want our country to be run for and by the people- rather than for and by money, profit, power and control.

over the last months i have been angered and irritated by the media’s manipulation of the primaries. with chiron in pisces on the karmic south node in march and neptune in pisces on the karmic south node in november (just days before the election!!!) there is A LOT of mass delusion and deception going on. a bernie rally in brooklyn with 28,000 people was not televised or given press by the stations and papers that are owned and bought by the dirty 1/2 dozen (also known as the ‘big six’ media corporations that own most of the media in the USA). i talk to people on the streets who say bernie is great but he is unelectable or that clinton is inevitable. they are hearing this on mainstream news and they are taking it in whole without digesting it or asking questions about it! bernie most certainly is NOT unelectable and cliton is not inevitable, not if the people have anything to say about it.

i had this thought one day a while back where i actually saw the whole political charade as a puppet show. they are portraying trump as a racist, sexist jerk (which he is playing the role quite well actually) and then they don’t really portray bernie at all or if they do they say he is unelectable. so in comes clinton- a nice middle of the road choice. she isn’t an egomaniac like trump (at least not overtly) and she isn’t ‘unelectable’ like bernie. the media portrays her this way and then tries to make you think she is the only real choice- and she most definitely is NOT.

if you actually care about the environment, about the planet’s future, about our children’s future and more- you cannot elect someone who takes money from the big businesses and dirty 1/2 dozen that are doing the very things that ruin our planet.  unfortunately clinton lies in bed with these people- she dines with them, takes vacations with them and she takes massive amounts of money from them for her presidential race. and let me tell you these people don’t give lots of money for nothing- they expect a return on their investment (in the form of laws passed that work out for their own betterment).

many people are getting clued into clinton’s dishonesty and flip flopping on issues based on what the public wants to hear in the moment- versus bernie’s record where he has been saying the same things and standing up for the same issues and causes for decades. in clinton’s chart her sun, chiron, venus and retrograde mercury all in her 12th house. this could be great for the spiritual path- but she has chosen a very public, political one. the 12th house is the house of ego loss- and it’s also the house of hidden things, dirty secrets and karma. neptune/12th house/pisces energy is very hard to navigate in the 3d world- it creates a slippery slope where it can be easy to delude oneself, hide things and outright lie. the shadow side of neptune is delusion and deception- of self and of others. with her moon in pisces as well- again we have an amazing placement if the moon is being operated out of from a Higher Place. but the shadow of moon in pisces is where we see what we want to see, portray what we think others want portrayed and where we can play the chameleon- changing our colors with our surroundings. with transiting Wounded Healer chiron and the karmic south node on her moon right now (and chiron on her moon all year)- she has major karmic retribution arriving in the form of dredging up all her lies, delusions and deceptions and they are starting to be clearly seen by the world right now.

what is interesting is that clinton’s chart only gets worse over the next 6 1/2 months and even into summer of next year. her progressed moon is in libra and it will align with her natal and progressed neptune between august and october (august 25th and october 8th 2016 respectively). she also has her progressed sun squaring natal and progressed neptune between january and august of next year (january 26th 2016 and august 24th of 2017) and her progressed mercury do the same (may 1st 2016 and april 29th 2017). with her progressed sun, moon and mercury (3 of the 5 personal planets) all triggering neptune things can get even more slippery, confusing, delusional and deceptive in the coming months and into next year. one of the best possible manifestations of this astrology would be if she woke up and admitted to herself that she sold out and then did the work of soul retrieval to get back to her essence. i remember reading an astrological article a while back that the only moon sign we have never had in a president’s chart is pisces. i remember thinking “yes! we need a moon in pisces president!” the positive side of moon in pisces is compassionate, spiritual, altruistic and unconditionally Loving. and yes i believe we need a president with those qualities. but each natal position has a Higher side and lower side and based on the decisions clinton has been making, the flip flopping on issues and outright lying she has been doing, and the money she has been taking from the very people and corporations who are ruining our planet- i don’t believe she is living the Higher side of her pisces moon right now. but there’s always hope ;)

now onto bernie sander’s chart! one of the best things he has going for him transit wise right now is the jupiter/north node conjunction aligning with his sun (exact in january) and his evolutionary north node in june. his north node is on the fixed star denebola- which is all about going against society- which he most definitely is. he is going against the status quo and against the system that wants to control everything. he has the guts to speak the Truth and shine a light on the shadow and shit no one wants to admit to, no one wants to see and certain people (the dirty 1/2 dozen) specifically don’t want us to see (why do you think they put so much fluoride in our water and get us hooked onto sugar, the internet, television, fast food and more? to numb us out and dumb us down!). jupiter aligns with the north node every 7 to 8 years but only rarely do we get three jupiter/north node conjunctions as we do this year (using the true north node position). the last time we had a triple jupiter/north node alignment was in 1842 and the next one will be in 2073. so this particular jupiter/north node alignment (exact january 23rd, january 28th and june 20th of 2016) is definitely rare- and all three of them align significantly with bernie’s chart. once i saw this i thought to myself ‘his star is rising’ and sure enough you can see that that is happening in a big way!  (but you will only see it on social media as the bought out media is not airing any of it)

he also has uranus on his moon/mars retrograde conjunction and opposite his venus- waking up and activating his passion, fire and fervor in huge ways. if you read my weekly blogs you may be aware that we are building to a uranus/eris conjunction- exact june 8th for the first time, again on september 25th and the last one in spring of 2017. the rebel, revolutionary and Great Awakener (uranus) is aligning with the activist, warrior Goddess and planet of discord (eris). this fiery combination could get out of hand but luckily saturn in sagittarius comes into trine both of them on december 24th and that carries over into 2017 as well. to me saturn trine uranus brings to mind ORGANIZED REVOLUTION. this can be a time of the people no longer taking crap from the “system” and the dirty 1/2 dozen being overturned. the funny thing is the small percentage of people who own most of the wealth and carry nearly all of the power are ants compared to the rest of us (the other 99%). when we all stand together and rise together those who are dominating and in control will no longer be top dog.  it’s kind of like an elephant tied up to a pole waking up and realizing he is stronger than the teether and he can in fact break free!  yet the key to breaking free from this paradigm is to wake up from mass consciousness (see my latest full moon blog linked here for more info on this-  and doing this not an easy process.  it necessitates us taking off the rose colored glasses of delusion and honestly seeing ourselves, others and the world around us from a realistic perspective.  when we have built our whole lives on shoddy foundations it can seem scary to rip them up and start all over- but that is what we must do personally, collectively and in the united states.

i don’t have an exact time of birth for bernie- i have tried to hunt one down but was not able to (it’s possible his birth certificate doesn’t actually have it recorded). so i cannot speak to rising sign, midheaven or house placement (they are all time sensitive)- but with the sun on his north node he is meant to be a leader and in earthy virgo his leadership would be as a servant to the people. unfortunately there are not many presidents or presidential candidates that could honestly say the same- as most are bought out and merely puppets for agendas of those in power.  further he has transiting pluto trining his sun all year long- transforming his identity in the world in a HUGE way (which i would imagine becoming president of the USA could do).

i have my eyes on november 3rd when neptune aligns with the karmic south node (mean position) and november 17th through 19th when neptune cojoins the true south node and then stations direct right smack on the node as well. this can be a big time of mass deception and illusion and i sure as heck hope it’s not going to manifest as a rigged election. but if it does the astrology this year with uranus on eris and trine saturn later in the year is the perfect opportunity for everyone to RISE UP and take a stand for truth, freedom and democracy. when we all rise up and together we stand in Truth- the Truth shall set us free!

~divine harmony