weekly horoscopes :)

by | Oct 22, 2012 | Astrology Blog

the weekly horoscopes are typically MEMBERS-ONLY content via my subscriber service- but this morning as i was writing them something told me to post them on the astrology blog, so i am doing so :)  

if you enjoy my horoscopes please feel free to check out my free week trial membership to see if the private content i post is insightful and useful for your journey.  when reading the horoscopes please be sure to read for your sun sign AND rising sign, as they both have a lot of insight to shed.

if you enjoy reading these please feel free to pass along to friends, post the link on your facebook page, etc…

thank you and enjoy the deep, Soulful and intense energy of scorpio this week!  intensity is the new ‘normal’ frequency- so we may as well get used to it and learn how to utilize the powerful energy available to us all ;)

~divine harmony

p.s.  the content below is COPYRIGHTED and is only allowed to be reposted as a link to my page.  thank you :)



ARIES- week of 10/22-10/28
this week the focus is on the scorpionic realms. the sun moves into scorpio to join mercury, saturn and the north node. for you scorpio falls in the scorpio house- so the deep, intense realms of the Soul are where it’s at! the 8th house is the occult house and the house of all things taboo: sex, death, power, control, money and alchemical transformation. as the sun cojoins saturn on thursday and mercury cojoins the north node in this most important house you get some insights (or perhaps a 2 by 4 over the head?) that let you know where the shadow is in your life and what you need to plumb the depths of to get to the Truth. wherever saturn is is where your karmic lessons around mastery are. how to you use your power? are you centered in your power or do you give it away or lord it over others? what does it really mean to be powerful? the Soul’s power is distinctly different than the ego’s power. opportunities to do this deep work in your life and in your most intimate relationships is a part of your path for the next 2 1/2 years. getting clear on that path and committing to it is key. don’t just keep things on the surface- dive deep!

TAURUS- week of 10/22-10/28
relationship lessons are where it’s at for you for the next 2 1/2 years! this week the sun moves into your 7th house to join mercury, saturn and the north node- putting some massive focus on your one-to-one connections with others. lots of growth and evolution for you is tied up with your connections with others- and depending on how your relationships work this can be a time of grounding and committing or learning some hard knock lessons in life. the degree to which you take and do not give is going to be key. taurus loves receiving- but relationships are a two way street. on thursday as the sun aligns with saturn and mercury aligns with the north node in your relationship house you can have some aha moments, important conversations and insight shed on where your growth is in relationship. focus on yourself- not others- to get the best insights and work towards the best results. at the end of the week your ruler moves into libra and she will activate uranus and pluto next week- so more breakdowns and breakthroughs are headed your way! intensity is the new normal frequency- may as well get used to it and start enjoying it, no? ;)

GEMINI- week of 10/22-10/28
as a light-hearted, fun-loving gemini this week’s energy can feel like you’ve gotten yourself into deep water. scorpio is where it’s at right now- the depths, what lies underneath, and the shadow. for a sign that likes to keep things light and carefree- scorpio can feel like a swamp. yet the depths are where it’s at and where it will be for the next 2 1/2 years so you may as well get used to it ;) this week the sun joins your ruler mercury, saturn and the north node in your 6th house of work, service and health- helping to shine Light on the shadows or your daily routines, work/health practices and overall organization (or lack thereof) in your life. thursday is a big day as the sun aligns with saturn and mercury aligns with the north node- bringing major insights/aha moments and karmic lessons to Light around the mundane, practical aspects of life. your ruling planet is slowing down to go retrograde on 11/6 (election day!) so you can expect these insights to be things you are working on, working over and dealing with throughout the month of november. yes it’s an intense time right now- but intensity is the the new ‘normal’ frequency. best get used to it now and learn to surf the bigger waves ;)

CANCER- week of 10/22-10/28
the beautiful water trine this week is very auspicious for water signs like yourself. with ceres, the mother asteroid, in your sign and all the scorpio action in your 5th house of children and joy you have the potential to really come into the Divine Mother energy in your life in deeper and more Soulful ways. add to that the neptune/chiron energy in your 9th house of Higher Self and your path of nurturing and caretaking others can get taken to spiritual levels! yet with saturn and the north node in your 5th house a lot of your growth and karmic lessons are tied up with children, joy and creativity. on thursday as the sun aligns with saturn and mercury aligns with the north node you can have some major aha moments and insights into what your path of growth and mastery requires of you over the next 2 1/2 years. this is a time of buckling down and getting serious about your fun and creativity. it could be a time of getting pregnant, or greater responsibilities cropping up around children- or it could be a time of doing something more masterful with your creative energies. whatever it is, it’s not a time of sinking into your crab shell and waiting for the storms to pass. it’s time to face them, brave them and master the elemental energies around you!

LEO- week of 10/22-10/28
your ruling planet the sun moves into scorpio and your 4th house this week- joining mercury, saturn and the north node. with so much focus on home, family and your roots this week and upcoming month of the sun in scorpio is a time to deal with grounding, foundations and your inner emotional life. leo loves to shine brightly but the 4th house is a house of retreat. taking time to turn within and not always be in the limelight is key right now. on thursday as the sun aligns with saturn and mercury aligns with the north node you have major aha moments, insights and important communications that shed Light on where your path of growth and mastery lies and what karmas you have to work through over the coming 2 1/2 years. if you are not an anchored/grounded person saturn in your 4th can feel like a ball and chain forcing you to deal with realities you have been avoiding. but if you do the work and embrace stability and structure this time in your life can be the seeding ground for success and growth in the years to come. hard work is where it’s at!

VIRGO- week of 10/22-10/28
this week the sun moves into your 3rd house to join your ruling planet mercury, saturn and the north node- bringing more Light and focus on how you communicate, think and relate to the people around you. with both saturn and the north node in this house for the next couple of years your mastery and lessons are intimately wrapped up with how you speak your Truth and how you view the world around you. on thursday as the sun aligns with saturn and mercury aligns with the north node you can have some aha moments, important communications and Light bulbs coming on that show you very clearly where your mastery is and what work your Soul is asking of you. pay attention! your ruling planet is heading into his retrograde phase (exact on 11/6- election day!)- so right now it’s time to slow down your mind and get ready to turn backwards and inwards- and dive deep into your psyche. the typical go-go-go energy of virgo needs to be tempered with time for reflection, introspection and retreat. if you don’t consciously make space for this in your life the Universe will make it happen. i recommend doing the former rather than the latter ;)

LIBRA- week of 10/22-10/28
the sun moves out of your sign on monday and into scorpio- to join mercury, saturn and the north node in your 2nd house of money and self-worth. this week it is time to get real about your material reality and your attitude of abundance and/or lack that does or does not serve you. on thursday as the sun aligns with saturn and mercury aligns with the north node in your 2nd house you can have some aha moments, important communications and Light bulbs coming on that shed Light on where you mastery is and what karmas your Soul wants you to work through. your relationship with money mirrors your relationship with yourself- so what it is reflecting back to you??? by week’s end venus moves into your sign and heads into a radical dance with uranus and pluto, exact next week. more changes, breakdowns and breakthroughs are headed your way. intensity is the new ‘normal’ frequency- so instead of hiding your head in the sand, waiting for it to all pass- embrace and start wielding the power to change your life!

SCORPIO- week of 10/22-10/28
as the sun moves into your sign on monday you commence your birthday month! this is typically a time to shine and have fun, but now that saturn is in your sign (for the next 2 1/2 years) this birth month can be more about getting clear on your path of mastery and growth and pruning the crap out of your life that holds you back from being more. on thursday as the sun aligns with saturn and mercury aligns with the north node in your sign you can have some massive aha moments and insights coming in that shed Light on your true path and help you see pretty clearly where the shadow path is misleading you. saturn in your sign starts a brand new 30 year cycle of growth- so take care with the seeds you plant as you will be reaping them for the next 30 years! luckily the grand water trine this week helps you to get clear on where your joy is and where your Spirit path is and assists you in bridging the two. life without meaning is no life at all! seek for meaning first- and the rest will follow.

SAGITTARIUS- week of 10/22-10/28
the sun moves into your 12th house early this week, joining mercury, saturn and the north node in the attic of your chart. the 12th house is the attic because it holds so much that we either avoid because of fear (the attic can be scary to some people) or we are completely unaware of because we have not found the key to it. with so much activity in this hidden house you have profound opportunities to find that key, confront your fears and access some of your greatest, unrealized gifts. the key is that you have to take time to turn within. sagittarius is a very extroverted sign that tends to be more focused on DOING than BEING. but right now being is where it is at. the coming weeks (and years really- as saturn and the north node stay here for a while) are a great time to tune into your dreams, pay attention to your intuition and take lots of time to meditate. on thursday as the sun and saturn align and mercury and the north node do the same major insights and aha moments can come in that shed Light on where your growth, mastery and karmic lessons are and what you need to do to get moving on them. don’t delay! and don’t be in denial. access and confront the shadow- as that is where your True Power is at.

CAPRICORN- week of 10/22-10/28
the sun moves into scorpio this week to join mercury, saturn and the north node in your 11th house of community, friendship and social connection. with so much activity in this house the focus for you is on how you connect with others and fit into a broader, like-minded community. if the capricorn/reclusive side of you is asking ‘what community?’ then that can be where your growth is at for the next couple of years. no man is an island and although going it your own is very normal for the lone mountain goat (the animal for your sign) the world needs people to come back together and realize how much we all matter to each other. on thursday as the sun aligns with your ruling planet saturn and mercury aligns with the north node- both in the 11th house- you can have some major insights into where your edge is and where your growth lies (which is somewhere beyond your edge). with a grand water trine in all your social houses, social connection is where the healing is at!

AQUARIUS- week of 10/22-10/28
as the sun Lights up your 10th house of career this week he joins mercury, saturn and the north node- illuminating your life path, work in the world and in a bigger way your Mission for being here. with the planet of mastery (saturn) and the node of destiny and Soul’s growth (north node) in the pinnacle of your chart your greatest lessons and biggest success is the focus in the coming couple of years. if you are on the right path- saturn will help take you to the next level in your work in the world. if you are heading in the complete wrong direction- saturn will force you to reevaluate and make course corrections. on thursday as the sun aligns with saturn and mercury aligns with the north node in this same house you can have some important insights, aha moments and communications come in that shed Light on where your mastery and karmic clearing lies in regards to your purpose. take note and then take solid action- as delay or denial won’t cut it!

PISCES- week of 10/22-10/28
as the sun moves into scorpio early this week he joins mercury, saturn and the north node in your 9th house of Higher Self. with so much activity in this house there is lot of Light being shed on your Higher Path as distinct from the ego’s path. with the task master (saturn) and point of evolution (north node) in this house for the next couple of years your growth is tied up with your consciousness and your ability to leap into the unknown with passion and intensity. the scorpio realms are deep, but watery pisces knows these depths well. a beautiful grand water trine forms this week lighting up your fire houses of self, inspiration and action! it’s time to take your journey to the next level- no holds barred and no holding back. for normally reticent, soft-spoken pisces this activation of fire can be hot and intense- but the key is to master both elements (water and fire) so that one does not dominate the other but they work in tandem with each other. pay close attention to thursday as profound insights and important communications can come in that show you where the next leg of your journey lies. spread your wings and fly!