new moon in aquarius: revolution starts within

by | Jan 26, 2017 | Astrology Blog

the new moon in aquarius is exact on friday january 27th 2017 at 4:07pm PST. this new moon marks lunar imbolc- one of the fire festival holy days that has to do with the rebirth of the Light. we are halfway through winter and the sun is starting to rise a little higher and we are starting to see the first stirrings of spring that is fast approaching! we are coming out of the dark cave, introspective time of deep winter and are starting to awaken to new life!

new moons are times to plant seeds and set intentions and in visionary, outside of the box aquarius we are supported in focusing on where we want to radically evolve and revolutionize our personal and collective lives. aquarius is ruled by uranus- the rebel and revolutionary. he brings sweeping changes into our lives- particularly where things have gotten stuck and stagnant. sometimes his energy is experienced as coming back to life and feeling exhilarating freedom and awakening! other times his energy is experienced as the apple cart being turned upside down- particularly when we cling to the old and the past when it’s really not good for us to do so. uranus will help us wake up and change- whether we like it or not!!!

where this new moon falls in your chart is where you have the energy of a new cycle seeding itself- so be sure to check your weekly horoscpes (read for sun sign and rising sign). a new sense of life and freedom can be birthed in the place where this new moon falls in your chart! it’s a great time to aim high, follow your visions and ideals, connect and collaborate with community and kindred Spirits who are on the same wavelength and open your mind so you can see the Greater Possibilities that are available to you right now!

the only aspects this new moon makes are semisquares to venus and saturn. this means that the new moon is at the exact midpoint of the venus/saturn square- an aspect that is exact the same day as the new moon. all week long leading up to this new moon (incidentally during the dark moon phase)- we have had venus in pisces triggering the saturn/chiron square. venus was conjunct chiron on tuesday and contraparallels chiron on sunday- making a super aspect between these two that amplifies and exacerbates their energies together- and venus squares saturn on friday as well. saturn square chiron is a heavy transit. saturn governs karma, limitations, restrictions and where we have big lessons to learn that are not easy. chiron governs our biggest wounds and pain and where we need to face those wounds, accept them and shift our relationship to them so they don’t run us Unconsciously. saturn square chiron brings up some of our BIGGEST STUFF personally and collectively. those karmic patterns you keep playing out and staying stuck in and those wounds and pain that underly those patterns are in focus right now!

the venus/saturn square is about seeing what is with a realistic eye. chiron in pisces (and the recent neptune south node conjunction in november) has a lot of people in a state of despair and apathy. it’s easier to numb out, go on the iPhone, drink a bunch of wine, take drugs, have sex or do whatever else it is that helps us to overfocus on something external so that we can avoid looking within and really feeling all that is arising. saturn is the dose of reality. saturn demands we look at ourselves and the world around us with a discerning, sober eye. not only do we need to see our own shit and shadow in order to heal and work towards wholeness- more importantly we have to see the ways in which we have consciously or unconsciously chosen to stay stuck in that shit and shadow- making excuses for it and projecting the responsibility for it out onto others. this is a huge transit of WAKE UP CALLS personally and collectively. we can see this playing out in the political sphere with a lot of shadow flying about FROM BOTH SIDES.

with the new moon at the midpoint of this potent aspect- the new, the visionary, the radical and revolutionary can only happen when we are taking stock of what IS, taking responsibility and accountability for our part in creating it, and being willing to deal with the past first so that we can truly move into the future. when i say past i am speaking to both recent past and whatever situations we may find ourselves in right now. but i also mean distant past- foundational stuff that got set years ago, back to childhood, even lifetimes ago. these pivotal points of choice- personally and collectively- started us down a road that lead directly to today. if we are only looking at what is going on right now without taking into account all that came before and the choices that were made along the way we will not be able to truly radically change. aquarius is a sign that likes to look forward- but saturn and chiron demand that we have an eye on the past first so that we can deal with the past, learn from the past and make changes in the present trajectory so that the future we are moving into truly is radical and revolutionary. if we keep on doing what we have always done we will keep on getting what we have always got. now’s the time to shift that in a BIG way!

this new moon has an amazing alignment with two asteroids. the new moon at 8’15 aquarius is conjunct isis at 8’22 aquarius and osiris at 8’21 aquarius. we have isis and osiris conjunct each other by 1 minute!!! and both are conjunct the new moon by 6-7 minutes. this is tight and this is quite rare- and it is super significant. in egyptian mythology isis and osiris are beloveds and a conjunction with them symbolizes the hierosgamos- the Sacred Marriage. i know that this kind of astrology can make people think of twin flames and external soulmates- and yes i suppose that energy is there. but i get a little wary of twin flame talk as often it seems that this concept is used as a form of spiritual bypassing. when life gets intense and we are lonely we yearn for our twin flame- the other who will complete us! unfortunately until we do the work to complete ourselves within we will simply seek others who we can project our disowned qualities on.

if i am very yin and surrendering and have not integrated my assertive, dynamic yang- i will attract someone who embodies these qualities. at first it will feel amazing- like we complete each other! but then at some point the shadow will arise and he will express very extreme yang energy that triggers me: perhaps he will be angry, aggressive and selfish. this will be a mirror for me because in my yin-ness i repress my anger, i am disconnected from my own aggression and think of others at the expense of myself. so this person in my life is mirroring for me my opposite- and actually he is a soulmate who i have a contract with as i needed his participation in the self/other drama so that i can be made aware of what i am Unconscious of in myself. not everyone uses relationship as such though. many people at this point fall out of Love, say to themselves ‘he is not who i thought he was’, and think it’s about the other person. they walk away- not doing the inner work needed and offered in the relationship. and they go looking for someone else who they have an intense charge with, who they think will complete them. and the cycle starts again.

in my opinion the best way to look at twin flames and hierosgamos is via the inner Beloved and inner Union FIRST. we want to do this inner work for our own health, happiness and fulfillment- but also doing this work helps us to consciously bring disparate parts of ourselves into relationship within which leads to wholeness. from this space we no longer need to attract extreme opposites that mirror our disowned qualities. we can come to the table of relationship whole within and it will attract a very different energy without. now to be clear i don’t think this happens with a magic wand and poof you are whole. i think it is a lifetime journey and that it is kind of like an onion where you peel a layer and go deeper in your journey to wholeness and then another layer is found and you go deeper. in my opinion total wholeness is complete enlightenment- and i am most certainly not there! and i personally don’t know anyone else who is either ;) but i do know a lot of people who are committed to this journey :) and that is one of the most amazing aspects to the new moon in aquarius- we can commit more deeply to this inner journey and we can find another layer to peel back and dive deeper into this Sacred Dance within and without. i do find that the inner journey always gets mirrored without- as within, so without. so look at the reflections and relationships in your life to get a sense of where you are at in this dance and what is being asked of you to dive deeper and grow further!

with uranus as ruler of this lunation there are some other significant aspects to take note of. uranus is conjunct the Great Mother ceres and eris the Goddess of discord and chaos- bringing a wake up/shake up energy to places where we have gotten stuck, stagnant and complacent personally and collectively. this astrology is definitely a big part of the awakening of the warrior women going on right now!!! this triple conjunction is opposite expansive jupiter, trine grounding saturn and juno the asteroid Goddess of partnership, semisextile venus the Goddess of Love and chiron the Wounded Healer, square vesta the priestess, and quincunx black moon lilith the fierce Dark Feminine. so many goddess energies are involved with the rebel and revolutionary right now (ceres, eris, juno, venus, vesta and lilith). there truly is an amazing awakening of women happening right now! as the dalai lama said- the world will be saved by the western woman. and i am seeing western women wake up to a degree that is unprecedented!!! please note this also relates to the awakening of the feminine in men- as we all have masculine and feminine qualities. the feminine is inclusive and seeks connection- and we are in desperate need of these qualities right now to heal the huge split and violent angry divisiveness that is playing out in the world around us.

one thing i think is key though is that we as women and men who love/walk by the side of these women and who who are integrating their own feminine face and address our anger and rage. anger and rage can motivate us to take action and that action needs to be taken from a place of Love not hate. i see a lot of hate flying around right now- from all ends of the spectrum- and as martin luther king said ‘“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” it’s very important that we do work on our anger and rage right now. first and foremost doing inner work and shadow work to get to the root and core of anger and rage we have inside that sources from childhood. facing, feeling and clearing the anger and rage we have that is personal frees us up to then work with our collective anger and rage from a clear space. until we do this we are acting out past stuff in the present and an unconscious energy is controlling it all. i really truly believe the whole world could stand to do some deep shadow work right now. if you have the resources having a shadow work therapist assist you is amazing. if not there are books and audiobooks out there that are great resources- particularly anything by robert masters (audio book ‘knowing your shadow’, books ‘emotional intimacy’, ‘spiritual bypassing’ and ‘the anatomy and evolution of anger’).

this is a deep time we are in! ‘the brighter the light, the darker the shadow’. the higher we aspire to reach the deeper down we must be willing to journey.

i leave you with elias lonsdale’s star sparks meditation for the 9th degree of aquarius (we always round up to the nearest whole number for sabian symbols). the title says it all ‘violets blooming by the barred window of a dungeon’. there is new life blooming despite the fact that we are locked in a dungeon. there is potential inherent in the experience of seeing beauty and supporting new life in the midst of chaos, death and despair. as elias says ‘the duality persists, two worlds are sensed, and the synthesis lies in evolving to oneness.’ for me oneness is not about only Light and Love. it’s the Union of Light and shadow, Love and fear, hope and despair. in my experience this Union happens when both/and are embraced- not chased after as we do with Love and Light and not run away from or projected onto others as we do with shadow and fear. being with it all as it arises and using it all as a sacred reflection of splits and division within- using it as the Universe pointing giant arrows at parts of our own Unconscious with a call to dive deeper and do the Inner Work. the more people that do this- the quicker we will get to the tipping point. they say 1% of the world marched in the women’s march last weekend. imagine if 1% or more of the world did this deep inner work: stopped projecting, started reflecting and did the work to heal the split within- so we can heal the split without. so mote it be!

~divine harmony

Aquarius 9 Violets blooming by the barred window of a dungeon

Being invested with a dual fate. Outwardly, doomed to repeat mistakes, to get in trouble for every one of them, and to suffer the consequences of missing important cues and being elsewhere. This outward aspect seems to prevail, by any usual reckoning. It is convincing, dense, literal. Self and world don’t find easy common ground. The self is viewed by it’s world as failing to live up to agreements, not fulfilling the promise, being somehow vague and nebulous and strange.
Inwardly, an entirely different picture emerges. Because the outer fate is so set and predictable and repetitious, the inner spirit can fly free and venture upon a different life on the inside. This other life is as rich and fulfilling as the outer tends to be barren and alien. There is this adventure, this open journey, and it is quite hidden from the view of those who would disapprove and perhaps try to stop it.
The outer landscape takes up a lot of time and attention. The inward experience dominates the subconscious and unconscious and superconscious levels of awareness. The outer mind is very taken up with the problems and dilemmas which arise on every hand. The subtle mind is working upon greater things and truly is disengaging from the business at hand.
The tortuous, peculiar, yet redemptive path of rendering the outer world unto Caesar and reserving the inner world for the spirit quest. A remarkably pure and clear and simple alignment with the greater worlds on the inside. Events are what they are. The deeper layers, the higher frequencies call the spirit to an ultimate kind of overcoming , detachment, a seeing things through inward eyes. The duality persists, two worlds are sensed, and the synthesis lies in evolving to oneness.