lunar eclipse in leo- seeking the fullness of our Light

by | Feb 8, 2017 | Astrology Blog

The full moon Lunar Eclipse at 22’28 Leo is exact on Friday February 10th 2017 at 4:33pm PST. This eclipse enters us into the Eclipse Portal- a time of radical endings, new beginnings, transformation and change! Eclipses are amplified new moons or full moons- with the Solar Eclipse focused on new beginnings and the Lunar Eclipse focused on endings and/or bringing things to a head. This month of February we have two eclipses- one in the new eclipse axis incoming that will be with us until January 2019 (Leo/Aquarius) and one in the eclipse axis we have been in since March 2015 coming to an end (Virgo/Pisces). This week’s Leo Lunar Eclipse is the first of the new signs we are shifting into- so paying attention to what is playing out this week can give you insight into the coming almost 2 years of eclipse activity in your personal chart.

It is important to note that people who have planets or angles at the degree of the eclipse (22-23 Leo) or in tense aspect to the eclipse degree (22-23 Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius) will feel this eclipse much more potently than the rest of us. Yet we all have the capacity to feel this eclipse in the area of our natal chart that it falls in- so be sure to read your Weekly Horoscopes and make sure to read for your Sun Sign and Rising Sign (also known as Ascendant) to get the full picture.

A Full Moon occurs when the Sun is exactly opposite the Moon and typically the Sun’s Light illuminates the full face of the Moon that is earth facing. Yet at a Lunar Eclipse the Earth comes between the Sun and Moon which casts a shadow on the Moon. Lunar Eclipses are exceptional times to do deep Shadow Work– diving deep into the psyche with a willingness to see our own Unconscious material we usually do not have access to. Full Moons are heightened times emotionally and can bring things to fruition, completion, culmination or crisis points. Because this is the first of the Leo/Aquarius eclipses we should pay special attention to what is arising this week as insight into what the coming eclipse series will be bringing into focus for us personally but also collectively can be incoming!

This Lunar Eclipse is in the sign of Leo- the sign of the Sun. If you look at the Sun it has no shadow- all it projects is Light. The Sun represents consciousness and awareness- in our natal charts it is the fullness of the Light we are seeking to become and embody here on earth! Yet the Sun and Leo also represent the ego self and where we get trapped in our own self-identity, self-focus and narcissism. This eclipse can bring to Light issues we have with the ego- either overblown and overly self-focused or underdeveloped and not healthy in the sense that we take on everyone else’s stuff because we don’t have healthy boundaries and sense of self. Both ways of expressing ego- too much or too little- can create issues here on planet earth. Its kind of clear in our egocentric culture what an overblown ego can do- thinking about me first, my desires at the expense of others and even Mother Earth herself! Yet an underblown ego also has issues- as until we have healthy containment and sense of self our greatest gifts and brightest Light can not be fully stepped into, embodied and anchored here on earth. At the time of this eclipse is can be very useful to shine a spotlight on our relationship to ego- personally and collectively- with an eye on what needs to be healed, rebalanced, released and/or embraced for a healthier sense of ourselves and connection to the world around us.

The ruler of this Lunar Eclipse is the Sun (the Sun rules Leo) and the Sun is opposite the Moon in Aquarius, the sign of Uranus. The archetype of the rebel, revolutionary and Great Awakener is strong right now- for many reasons- waking up the activist and fire starter in many people world wide! What is interesting about the Leo/Aquarius axis is that Leo is about ME while Aquarius is about WE. Aquarius understands we are all family here on this planet that we share- and that we have to be thinking Big Picture and see the Whole in order to not only survive but thrive. Leo in it’s most shadow expression is only focused on ME and what I want and need to feel safe, secure and happy. Yet Leo in its highest expression lives from a beautiful, wide open heart! We need to balance the mind energy of airy Aquarius with the Heart energy of Leo- when both are aligned we have deep discernment and clarity and at the same time deep compassion and care for others as well as ourselves and our Beloved Planet.

This Lunar Eclipse forms a Grand Fire Trine with Uranus and Eris in Aries and Saturn in Sagittarius on the Galactic Center. This Summer we will have an amazingly auspicious Grand Fire Trine formed between Uranus, Eris, Saturn and the North Node who moves into Leo in May 2017. This is a super amazing galactic alignment- as the rebel, revolutionary and Great Awakener (Uranus), the Goddess of chaos and rebalancing (Eris), the planet of mastery and karma (Saturn) and the evolutionary North Node of destiny and Growth all align with the Galactic Center. The GC (aka Galactic Center) is at 26-27 Sagittarius and when visible in the night sky it is recognized as the center of the Milky Way. Many ancient traditions have myths and mystical stories about this part of the Sky- all centered around a common story that it is the Womb of the Great Mother out of which everything in our galaxy was birthed and some say back to which everything goes when everything dies. The GC is a very powerful point spiritually and when activated by planets or when showing up in the natal chart is has very high level spiritual energy. It can connect us to our origins from the stars and is kind of like a direct plug into the Great Outlet that is the One. I forsee some profound Spiritual Awakenings happening this summer. Asleep people will start to awaken and awake people can awaken to the next level of consciousness. More on this in months to come but suffice it to say it’s a profound alignment!

With the Eclipse activating this alignment we have a precursor of what is to come- yet this is a Lunar Eclipse so this can be a time of shining Light on whatever we have that holds us back from this greater awakening. Where do we not stand in our Light fully? Or perhaps where do we stand in the Light but want to be the only one on stage? Our relationship to Leo and our natal Suns is in focus right now- with a call to step into a more balanced, whole relationship with our Essence. I see this eclipse as ‘clearing us out for some new delight’ (Rumi)- helping to bring to Light what hinders us from stepping up in our lives personally and collectively.
I highly recommend taking stock of what is playing out for you this week and this month as the Universe is shining a spotlight on your biggest roadblocks to growth and evolution- but the Universe is also giving big hints at what needs to be done about them. So pay attention!

I leave you with Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks Meditation for 23 Leo- a mediation that speaks so eloquently of the highest frequency we can all tap into at the time of this full moon. I love his image of “expansion of core into core”. I see this degree as an opportunity to connect the core of the lower self with the core of the Higher Self/Gaia/the Galactic Center and more! Doing a little ritual with this meditation- sitting in silence around the turning of the moon and reading this meditation and feeling the depth of it within and bringing that up into consciousness and embodiment without can be a beautiful way to honor this Eclipse.
Many blessings sent your way from the Yucatan!

~Divine Harmony

Leo 23 An old man cutting Mistletoe off an oak tree with a golden knife
~Ellias Lonsdale as taken from Star Sparks

He has been around these worlds forever. He can take on many forms, cast them off just as easily. Whichever way we see him, it says more about us than him. For he slips through the wormholes and is gone before we can ask him just who he is and what he is trying to do out there.

Yet his underlying presence beyond particular forms is very substantive and embodied and earth resonant. He stands for all those things which civilization races over, and the human soul longs to get back to, or find again somehow. And he is stalwartly committed, with iron will, to the path he walks, the Inner World vigil.

What we least know about him is the core motivating spark behind his relentless pursuit of mastery. What few can uncover is the level to which he is at one with this whole earth and her awakening.

This it the wild one, who never came in out of the cold. Here we meet the mythic figure of old. He walks the world seeming to be whatever we (think) and imagine and project, and really being entirely other.

His true nature is to find the place where the innermost source- spring is on tap freely and to be a conduit for that power of the goddess to remain open and vibrantly in tune with it’s intended purpose. He brings together the earth spirit with the worlds beyond. And he is at home in the mix in a way few others can be. It is the expansion of core into core, world into world, which calls him and renders him the one we all mind when the crises comes and the coolest sensibility is absolutely crucial if we are to hang with it the way the gods intend. He is ally to our emergence, waiting for us to acknowledge that something much wilder is the direct path through.