great awakening is possible- it starts within

by | Jul 21, 2016 | Astrology Blog

we are in some deep spaces right now. i am currently in the middle of a week long shadow work training with my teacher robert masters and let me tell you i am making the most of the intense astrology right now!!!

i HIGHLY recommend doing deep personal psycho-spiritual-emotional work right now. the energies present are perfect for diving deep, facing shadow and awakening to a new level of consciousness within yourself.

last week ERIS stationed retrograde and this week URANUS does the same. if you recall we are in the middle of a powerful uranus/eris conjunction that began on june 8th and carries us into 2017. with the rebel, revolutionary and Great Awakener aligning with the Goddess that reveals the bullshit everyone is trying to ignore or deny- there is some potent energy for shift and change right now (as within, so without).

yet both of these bodies are in fiery, assertive and aggressive aries and they both quincunxed mars- the planet of will and action but also the planet of anger and war. we are seeing the manifestations of this all over the planet- most notably in the USA with all the horrific shootings going on.

when this kind of energy is not used wisely it gets turned out and projected onto others in the forms of aggression, violence, dominance and control. it’s not pretty when it gets acted out from a place of our own inner wounding that we are refusing to look at- personally and collectively.

yet when these energies are used to shine a Light within they can be awakening, revealing, liberating and healing! it may not be pretty or fun to look at the shit you don’t want to look at (or the collective is denying) and yet the only way to truly heal is when we do look at things with sobriety, honesty and accountability for our piece in the Bigger Picture at play. any awakening we want to see happen within- in others or in the collective at large- MUST START WITHIN US. if you are avoiding do your work or owning your shit you are simply contributing to the collective problems on the planet right now.

ellias lonsdale’s star sparks meditation for 25 aries- where uranus stations this week- is POWERFUL. the entire meditation is posted below this blog but what stands out to me is this massive energy that is sleeping in the cave that we need to awaken, face and integrate within and without. he says this degree activates “The world’s most fertile energy frequency. Yet often postponed, or held in reserve. Captured by pasts and futures at war with each other. The shadow must be honored if the light is to dawn. All of this is known and sensed with overwhelming force. It will come out. It will come through.” the shadow must be honored. we cannot ignore it and deny it any longer or it will be at our peril personally and collectively.

luckily this week both mercury and venus trine uranus and eris- bringing the revelatory, awakening energy into our minds and hearts. waking up to our thought patterns that run us and our feelings that we deny and ignore that end up taking us over is key right now. major upgrades of the mind and heart are possible this week. of course with both mercury and venus squaring mars this week and next- these two are triggering the uranus/eris/mars quincunx. steer clear of aggression, violence (within or without), dominance and control, and acting out your lower chakra desires in unconscious ways. if you misuse this energy you can miss out big time.

the astrology this week can awaken and heal- but the energy is like a sleeping dragon and you must awaken it with deep respect and a commitment to using this energy for the Highest and Deepest good of all concerned. blessed be!

~divine harmony

Aries 25 A great dragon asleep in a cave

The dark deep inside seeking to emerge from a spell, from an enchantment, from a curse. The shadows, the beast, the serpent, the dragon of legend and myth stirring, restlessly, pervasively, bringing forth longings and desires previously suppressed and denied.
Secrets and mysteries. Realms within realms. So much to get back in touch with now. A promise to the children of the future to come alive at the appointed times. The inquiries of karma and of destiny. That which cannot be understood, will not conform to convention.
A wildness, a raw primal quality of needing an immense outlet for a huge energy that never had a place here. A desperate drive to let these things emerge, or else feel trapped and stuffed and caught in meaningless retrials of self avoidance at all cost.
An emotional energy of ferocious intensity. So deep. So forbidden. So strange to the modern ways. Called to merge, to tap the depths, to activate the dormant powers for the sake of the whole.
An absolutely extraordinary ability to draw forth what was hidden in each and all. A threshold capacity to elicit confidence and strength and new forces in those who are seeking a further enfoldment beyond the known.
The world’s most fertile energy frequency. Yet often postponed, or held in reserve. Captured by pasts and futures at war with each other. The shadow must be honored if the light is to dawn. All of this is known and sensed with overwhelming force. It will come out. It will come through.