full moon in gemini- Truth and lies

by | Nov 20, 2015 | Astrology Blog

the full moon in gemini is exact on wednesday november 25th, 2015 at 2:44pm PST- marking the midway point of the current lunar cycle we are in that began with the new moon in scorpio on november 11th. that new moon was potent as it was lunar samhain and the sun/moon alignment triggered the uranus/chiron semisextile- bringing potential for deep revelations, shifts, healings, endings and new beginnings into the lunar cycle we are in. with the new moon in scorpio- the depths, the shadows and that which lies hidden in the personal and collective Unconscious was being opened up into in a big way. of course globally 2 days later on friday the 13th there were horrific acts of violence that occurred in paris. scorpio rules many positive things but his deepest darkest shadow can play out in acts of violence and death. no one could have predicted that with the new moon in scorpio- as there are always many manifestations of possibility with aspects. there are always Higher expressions and lower expressions and it’s up to the consciousness of the individual and the collective to determine which expression and aspect will take (and very often it will manifest in a myriad of ways on many levels).

full moons tend to bring things to climax, crisis, fruition or culmination. the depths and shadows that were opened up at the new moon are brought to conscious mental and intellectual awareness at this full moon. yet the full moon is opposite the sun in sagittarius- which polarizes us between gemini and sagittarius: information and wisdom, lower mind and Higher Mind. this full moon is about trying to discern what is Truth and what is lies, what is egoic thinking and what is Higher Mind awareness? we also are being asked to discern what small picture are we getting so caught up in that it is actually obscuring our ability to see the Big Picture Truth that is lying there right in front of us?

this full moon is opposite the sun, mercury and saturn and square to neptune. a potent T-square formation between the conscious self (sun), Unconscious (moon), the mind (mercury), the planet of karma and manifestation (saturn) and the planet of ideals, dreams, illusion and dissolution (neptune). in the chart neptune makes so many hard aspects- most notably tense ones to ALL of the personal planets (sun through mars). there can be much delusion, confusion, deception, denial and avoidance of the Truth going on right now. and with a dearth of fire and air- but water missing- we can be overthinking things and trying to analyze and get a rational awareness of things all the while feeling completely disconnected from our feelings, intuition and inner Truth compass. typically neptune helps us tap into our intuition but the tense aspects show that it may be hard to discern intuition from fear or fantasy. with neptune the veil between the worlds is thin but there is also something called the neptune fog- and it’s easy to see what we want to see right now and we have to tap into saturn to do honest self checkins around our intentions at the moment (personally and collectively). if our intention is to see the Truth- we are on point. but if our intention is to make life easy or pretty or peaceful- we may be motivated to lie, delude ourselves, check out and/or turn to addictions so as not to have to deal with and see the Truth.

mercury as ruling planet of this full moon is also involved with saturn and neptune- and he actually triggered both of them a day before the lunation (on the evening of november 24th). mercury in sadge is in the pursuit of Truth but opposite the moon, conjunct saturn and square to neptune- it can be really, really hard to tell which was is up and which way is down. the only harmonious aspect to mercury is a sextile from mars- but mars is quincunx neptune so again there is a nebulous energy afoot. mercury/mars is about being direct in communication and getting to the heart of matters- but neptune’s tense aspect to both confuses things immensely. we can feel like we are walking through a fog this week- questioning ourselves, others and the world around us. at best we can use this energy to get more discerning about the Truth and the shadow- within and without. yet at worst we can use this energy to check out, be in denial, deceive ourselves and others and even go so far as believing our own lies to be the Truth!

a very interesting thing to note in the full moon chart is the position of jupiter. jupiter is in virgo and he just activated the september 12th solar eclipse degree (he exactly activated it on november 23rd). that eclipse was opposite chiron and quincunx uranus- and the new moon that started the lunar cycle we are in right now also linked up with this duo. the virgo areas of our personal charts are undergoing massive evolution, transformation and up leveling- yet sometimes endings must come before new beginnings can happen. jupiter will trigger this eclipse degree two more times next year (february 22nd and july 20th)- while chiron will trigger it on february 25th and uranus will trigger it on april 4th. what was begun then, intended, called in or set into motion is getting activated this week. of all the mutable signs- virgo is the one that is most discerning and able to see reality quite clearly. virgo can help us right now get a hold on what we are seeing or not seeing in ourselves, in others, in situations in our lives and in the world around us. jupiter in virgo can be our saving grace- and his activation of the solar eclipse degree reminds us that it’s up to us to use his energy to fully align with our discernment, integrity, inner work and Inner Truth.

a few asteroids that stand out in the chart involve venus and juno- bodies that govern romance and relationships (among other things). venus is conjunct nemesis and juno is conjunct sisyphus- bringing some intense energies into the realm of relationships. nemesis is about our own achilles heel and place of self-undoing. venus in libra with nemesis brings us face to face with where we blame others, scapegoat others and think the Source of our problems are outside of ourselves. sisyphus symbolizes where we keep on playing out the same old karmic patterns and keep on getting the same old karmic consequences ad nausea (in his myth he kept pushing a boulder up a hill only to have it fall down just before he reaches the top- so he spends his whole life doing this over and over again). add to this interesting picture pluto who is conjunct bacchus- the greek god of ecstasy, wine, excess, avoidance and addiction- and we can see there are powerful forces converging right now. there are karmic patterns playing out- personally and collectively- and we have a choice in how we deal with them. we can scapegoat and point fingers or we can completely check out and have some more wine, spend hours on Facebook or look for someone to have sex with. if we choose to rise above our baser impulses that are Sourced in a desire to avoid dealing with the shadow- we can instead choose to turn towards the shadow, face it and move into and through it- rather than run away from it (and get pursued by the shadow of our shadow for the rest of our lives- or until we stop and start to do the inner work). (***thanks to martha lang-wescott for her research and writing on these asteroids)

i have to say this lunation is pretty intense- and not one to mess around with. the saturn/neptune square is with us until fall of 2016- and next year is a decidedly neptunian year with chiron conjunct the south node in pisces in march and neptune conjunct the south node in november. there really is no escaping the karmic consequences of denial, avoidance, addiction, playing the victim or the martyr, playing the innocent (when you really are not) and spiritually by passing the shadow. because the karmic south node is in neptune ruled pisces- the shadow tendencies of this sign can be exacerbated right now. that is why saturn comes in. he is the reality check. he is the grounding. he forces us to see and address reality- which may not be fun and may not be pretty- but a new level of maturity and mastery arises when we stop being spiritual and emotional children and we grow up and start acting like spiritual and emotional adults. saturn square neptune is a call to all of us- personally and collectively- to grow the f* up. this is not about throwing away your dreams and no longer believing in magic. spiritual adults manifest their dreams by working hard to materialize them and they embodying magic and are the living expression of magic- which goes way past belief and instead is Sourced in reality.

take time at this full moon to confront whatever it is you have been avoiding confronting. stay aligned with your deepest integrity and keep the pursuit of Truth (capital T truth not little egoic self truth) at the forefront of your mind- they will not lead you astray.

i leave you with this poem from ‘dancing in the flames’ by marion woodland and elinor dickson…

To Sophia~

Integrity in love
is the only true guide
to the wisdom
that leads to freedom.

full moon blessings to you!

~divine harmony